We're now two days removed from a safe return from a four day jaunt that took us from the Lower East Side down to Chapel Hill North Carolina in a flurry of driving, yelling, anonymous pant dropping, and an impromptu dance party/snow attack.
We headed out on Thursday morning at 8AM with the band (save John, who was snugly at work in NYC) and my roommate/life coach/Radical Feminist Policy adviser Kelsey and hit NY mid-afternoon just in time to grab Thai food and go record hunting before loading into the Cake Shop and being generally exhausted. We barreled through the set and spent some quality time with Dave from LBC and the members of Radical Dads. We hauled it out of there to John's place where we put on Last House On the Left and I promptly fell asleep before any of the more colorful parts.
After a full day of work... Well, Work for Jay and "work" for me, lest I get grilled later for this, we headed to The Castle in Hell and met up with Travess, who was kind enough to provide a psych/shoegaze DJ set for the night and tore things up with Radical Dads and Holy Trinity River, who also ran the place and were incredibly nice and hospitable.
The next morning we hauled as at 8AM to get to Blacksburg to play with The Caribbean and continually threatened to drop Kelsey off in Buchanan (Pronounced BUCK-cannun to those unfamiliar with the lesser known drawls of the lower parts of VA) to find her a husband that smelled like tires.
We arrived in Blacksburg to Indian food and participated in some van drinking after ann extremely uncomfortable brush with the locals at Buffalo Wild Wings. Our performance at Crossroads marked the first time Cinemasophia have played at a venue that also sold an inordinate amount of midget porn.
We ate at an IHOP the next morning and I wanted to bomb the place. Jay's fish omelette was the most disgusting piece of shit I have ever seen. We got the fuck out of there.
Chapel Hill was awesome. Every record ever was there and people were amazing and I ate mac and cheese and really, that place could redeem any horrible experience. We played our asses off, drank free Schlitz, and Jay and I managed to leave some of our clothes there BECAUSE WE WERE HAVING SO MUCH FUN. Then we piled in the van and listened to depressing music and fell asleep at around 4AM. Everyone got sick.